Renea in Japanese
The name Renea in Japanese Kanji is 廉営 (bargain, manage), 恋映 (romance, reflect), 練永 (practice, eternity), 連英 (take along, England), 錬鋭 (tempering, pointed) and more. In all, there are 50 expressions. And also the name Renea in Katakana is レネー and which in Hiragana is れねー.
Renea in Katakana
Renea in Hiragana
Renea in Roomaji
Roomaji is a form of Japanese notation which uses the Latin alphabet.
Renea in Kanji
All of Kanji names that written Renea in Japanese
- 廉 営 ( bargain manage )
- 廉 影 ( bargain shadow )
- 廉 映 ( bargain reflect )
- 廉 栄 ( bargain prosperity )
- 廉 永 ( bargain eternity )
- 廉 泳 ( bargain swim )
- 廉 英 ( bargain England )
- 廉 衛 ( bargain defense )
- 廉 詠 ( bargain recitation )
- 廉 鋭 ( bargain pointed )
- 恋 営 ( romance manage )
- 恋 影 ( romance shadow )
- 恋 映 ( romance reflect )
- 恋 栄 ( romance prosperity )
- 恋 永 ( romance eternity )
- 恋 泳 ( romance swim )
- 恋 英 ( romance England )
- 恋 衛 ( romance defense )
- 恋 詠 ( romance recitation )
- 恋 鋭 ( romance pointed )
- 練 営 ( practice manage )
- 練 影 ( practice shadow )
- 練 映 ( practice reflect )
- 練 栄 ( practice prosperity )
- 練 永 ( practice eternity )
- 練 泳 ( practice swim )
- 練 英 ( practice England )
- 練 衛 ( practice defense )
- 練 詠 ( practice recitation )
- 練 鋭 ( practice pointed )
- 連 営 ( take along manage )
- 連 影 ( take along shadow )
- 連 映 ( take along reflect )
- 連 栄 ( take along prosperity )
- 連 永 ( take along eternity )
- 連 泳 ( take along swim )
- 連 英 ( take along England )
- 連 衛 ( take along defense )
- 連 詠 ( take along recitation )
- 連 鋭 ( take along pointed )
- 錬 営 ( tempering manage )
- 錬 影 ( tempering shadow )
- 錬 映 ( tempering reflect )
- 錬 栄 ( tempering prosperity )
- 錬 永 ( tempering eternity )
- 錬 泳 ( tempering swim )
- 錬 英 ( tempering England )
- 錬 衛 ( tempering defense )
- 錬 詠 ( tempering recitation )
- 錬 鋭 ( tempering pointed )
Another English name in Japanese
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