Laurine in Japanese
The name Laurine in Japanese Kanji is 労倫 (labour, ethics), 朗臨 (melodious, look to), 浪隣 (wandering, neighboring), 老林 (old man, woods), 露隣 (dew, neighboring) and more. In all, there are 70 expressions. And also the name Laurine in Katakana is ローリン and which in Hiragana is ろーりん.
Laurine in Katakana
Laurine in Hiragana
Laurine in Roomaji
Roomaji is a form of Japanese notation which uses the Latin alphabet.
Laurine in Kanji
All of Kanji names that written Laurine in Japanese
- 労 倫 ( labour ethics )
- 労 厘 ( labour thousandth )
- 労 林 ( labour woods )
- 労 臨 ( labour look to )
- 労 輪 ( labour wheel )
- 労 鈴 ( labour small bell )
- 労 隣 ( labour neighboring )
- 廊 倫 ( corridor ethics )
- 廊 厘 ( corridor thousandth )
- 廊 林 ( corridor woods )
- 廊 臨 ( corridor look to )
- 廊 輪 ( corridor wheel )
- 廊 鈴 ( corridor small bell )
- 廊 隣 ( corridor neighboring )
- 朗 倫 ( melodious ethics )
- 朗 厘 ( melodious thousandth )
- 朗 林 ( melodious woods )
- 朗 臨 ( melodious look to )
- 朗 輪 ( melodious wheel )
- 朗 鈴 ( melodious small bell )
- 朗 隣 ( melodious neighboring )
- 楼 倫 ( watchtower ethics )
- 楼 厘 ( watchtower thousandth )
- 楼 林 ( watchtower woods )
- 楼 臨 ( watchtower look to )
- 楼 輪 ( watchtower wheel )
- 楼 鈴 ( watchtower small bell )
- 楼 隣 ( watchtower neighboring )
- 浪 倫 ( wandering ethics )
- 浪 厘 ( wandering thousandth )
- 浪 林 ( wandering woods )
- 浪 臨 ( wandering look to )
- 浪 輪 ( wandering wheel )
- 浪 鈴 ( wandering small bell )
- 浪 隣 ( wandering neighboring )
- 漏 倫 ( leak ethics )
- 漏 厘 ( leak thousandth )
- 漏 林 ( leak woods )
- 漏 臨 ( leak look to )
- 漏 輪 ( leak wheel )
- 漏 鈴 ( leak small bell )
- 漏 隣 ( leak neighboring )
- 糧 倫 ( provisions ethics )
- 糧 厘 ( provisions thousandth )
- 糧 林 ( provisions woods )
- 糧 臨 ( provisions look to )
- 糧 輪 ( provisions wheel )
- 糧 鈴 ( provisions small bell )
- 糧 隣 ( provisions neighboring )
- 老 倫 ( old man ethics )
- 老 厘 ( old man thousandth )
- 老 林 ( old man woods )
- 老 臨 ( old man look to )
- 老 輪 ( old man wheel )
- 老 鈴 ( old man small bell )
- 老 隣 ( old man neighboring )
- 郎 倫 ( son ethics )
- 郎 厘 ( son thousandth )
- 郎 林 ( son woods )
- 郎 臨 ( son look to )
- 郎 輪 ( son wheel )
- 郎 鈴 ( son small bell )
- 郎 隣 ( son neighboring )
- 露 倫 ( dew ethics )
- 露 厘 ( dew thousandth )
- 露 林 ( dew woods )
- 露 臨 ( dew look to )
- 露 輪 ( dew wheel )
- 露 鈴 ( dew small bell )
- 露 隣 ( dew neighboring )
Another English name in Japanese
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